John Peyton
Dine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
Stay agile in a changing world
More from John Peyton
Seize unexpected opportunities by prioritizing an agile culture
We all want big opportunities to come our way. Just make sure you’ve equipped your team with the margin and vision to take advantage of them when they do!
Waiting on data can cost you a disruptive opportunity
Sometimes, you have to move quickly and trust your gut. If you spend too much time gathering research and data, you may lose your window of opportunity!
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
How to differentiate your brandJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
Waiting on data can cost you a disruptive opportunityJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
Use AI to drive innovation, not just improve efficiencyJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
The right mindset can help you adapt to big changesJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
To drive home key messages, tell concrete storiesJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
Seize unexpected opportunities by prioritizing an agile cultureJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
A question that will get frontline workers to speak their mindsJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
Healthy work-life balance may not feel all that balancedJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO
Empathy is key to leading younger generationsJohn PeytonDine Brands (Applebee's, IHOP), CEO