Drew Holcomb
“Super serve” your core audience
More from Drew Holcomb
“Super serve” your core audience
Your product or service isn’t for everybody, so don’t try to chase everyone as a customer! Find your core audience, then deliver incredible value for them.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Don’t read too much into your failuresDrew HolcombMusician
An empty page is the enemy of creativityDrew HolcombMusician
The path to success is paved with authenticityDrew HolcombMusician
“Super serve” your core audienceDrew HolcombMusician
Intentionally make space for important family conversationsDrew HolcombMusician
Perfection just isn't possibleDrew HolcombMusician