Aylwin Lewis
Potbelly, Former CEO
Results are paramount
More from Aylwin Lewis
Results are paramount
Results matter. They’re currency you need to earn trust and new opportunities. When you create a results-driven culture — all while keeping people at the heart of the business — everybody wins.
Curiosity is key in any C-suite role
Great leaders always try to understand more about the world around them. That curiosity is crucial if you want to succeed in a top leadership role.
Low turnover starts with who you hire
Turnover kills momentum. To improve it, take your time in the hiring process. The right person for the job will be much likelier to stay in the job—and excel at it, too.
Believe your customers
When a customer complains, don’t ask for proof. The vast majority of customers are telling you the truth. Believe them, fix the problem, and you’ll have a customer for life.
Put a customer-first mindset at every level of your organization
Don’t think of customer service as a single department. Orient every area of your business around serving customers—from hiring to strategy to management.
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Results are paramountAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
How to improve your public speakingAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Low turnover starts with who you hireAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Believe your customersAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
How to listen to frontline employeesAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
The secret to one-on-one coachingAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Focus on culture for operational excellenceAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Curiosity is key in any C-suite roleAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Put a customer-first mindset at every level of your organizationAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Opportunity and diversity go hand in handAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO
Develop more leaders with a strong frontline cultureAylwin LewisPotbelly, Former CEO