Erika Ayers Badan
Barstool Sports, Former CEO
Acknowledge the tough stuff
More from Erika Ayers Badan
Give people space to work, even if it means mistakes happen
Give your team members the freedom to succeed (or fail) on their own. It might get messy, but it’s critical if you want them to learn and grow.
Digital literacy is now a leadership fundamental
If you want to lead with credibility these days, you’ve got to be a student of the internet. It’s the gateway to practically every audience.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Give people space to work, even if it means mistakes happenErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
How to work well with creative peopleErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
Digital literacy is now a leadership fundamentalErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
What it takes to build an online followingErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
In a turnaround, the solutions you need are inside the buildingErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
Acknowledge the tough stuff with your teamErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
Keep your feedback timelyErika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO
How to push people (without pushing them away)Erika Ayers BadanBarstool Sports, Former CEO