Jeni Britton
Jeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
Stay attuned to your instincts
More from Jeni Britton
Competition is a gift, even when it's frustrating
That nagging competitor that won’t go away may be the best thing to ever happen to you! They’ll push and inspire you to places you could never go otherwise.
Even a good product can be cut if it's not what customers want
What you love and what your customers love may not always align. Deliver what truly resonates with them, even if it means letting go of something you value.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Stay malleable and open to compromiseJeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
To navigate new situations, find the right "character" inside youJeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
Competition is a gift, even when it's frustratingJeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
Even a good product can be cut if it's not what customers wantJeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
Differentiate your "business" from your "company"Jeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
A human being can’t be a brandJeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder
Hone your instinctsJeni BrittonJeni’s Ice Creams, Founder