Karla Gallardo
Cuyana, CEO
Dream big, then start small
More from Karla Gallardo
Dream big, but start small
Got a bold, exciting vision? Focus first on the simplest step to bring it to life. Each small success will help you build the foundation toward something extraordinary.
Celebrate your milestones, then ask what's next
Your ambition is a powerful thing. But you’ve got to pause and celebrate your big wins, not just constantly charge from goal to goal.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Success doesn't always look like a straight lineKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
Dream big, but start smallKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
Create trust with customers, not just transactionsKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
How to develop “hero” products that customers truly loveKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
Be adaptable, because anything can changeKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
Start small, learn, and then build bigKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
Celebrate your milestones, then ask what's nextKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO
Consistent leadership starts with authentic valuesKarla GallardoCuyana, CEO