Maritza Montiel
Deloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
How to summon courage
More from Maritza Montiel
Have the courage to dream
The fear of failure can be paralyzing. To move past it, consider what you’d do if you were guaranteed to succeed. Then, go out and do it!
Avoid hanging on to people too long
Sometimes the best advice you can give someone is to suggest that maybe they're not fit for the career they're in, and they should go do something else on the outside. You've got to know when it's time to help people move on.
Invent the future, whatever that future is
When it comes to innovation, don’t be passive. Actively seek out the big, game-changing ideas that will help you stay ahead of the competition.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Take on the hard assignmentsMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Invent the future, whatever that future isMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
View challenges as opportunitiesMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Have the courage to dreamMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Understand how others perceive youMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
You gotta "woman up"Maritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Take charge of your calendarMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Ensure your skillset matches the current needs of your companyMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Get your fingernails dirtyMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Focus on solving the problem right in front of youMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Avoid hanging on to people too longMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Seek to understand everyone's situationMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman
Have the courage to failMaritza MontielDeloitte, Former Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman