Jesse Cole
Savannah Bananas, Owner
What Makes You Stand Out?
More from Jesse Cole
Get ideas from everywhere
Always have your antenna up, as you never know what could inspire the next great idea for your business. And guess what — it might even come from outside your industry.
Be willing to be misunderstood
If you put a big idea out there, not everyone’s going to understand it. That’s okay! Be patient. It takes time for people to come around to new ideas.
“Plus” your business
Little tweaks can make a big difference in your business, but only if you take the time to consider where those opportunities are.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Know what business you're really inJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Stay inspired by the world's bestJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Choose a brand name that garners attentionJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
It's good to have a chip on your shoulderJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Whatever is normal – do the exact oppositeJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Love your customers more than you love your productJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Be an undercover customer for a dayJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Think like a reporter to uncover great marketing ideasJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Hold your people accountable to living out your core valuesJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Be impatient in how much you give to othersJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Give yourself permission to be your true selfJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Define what makes your brand "the only"Jesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
3 keys to hiring the right personJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Think biggerJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Attention beats marketing 1000% of the timeJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Borrow ideas from other industriesJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Swing hard, just in case you hit itJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
You either have a success or a storyJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Go all inJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Don’t be better; be the onlyJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Be willing to be misunderstoodJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Celebrate everythingJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Stop chasing customers; start creating fansJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
“Plus” your businessJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner
Avoid Shiny Object SyndromeJesse ColeSavannah Bananas, Owner