Will Ahmed
WHOOP, Founder and CEO
Prioritize the Right Data
More from Will Ahmed
Foster healthy collaboration by hiring people with these two qualities
When you have a team of people who live at the intersection of high intensity and high humility, it creates a culture where people are comfortable debating and challenging each other. But more importantly, your people focus more on arriving at the best answer for the company than about getting their own way.
Figure out the right solutions to customers' problems
The solution your customer is asking for might not actually be the best way to solve their problem. It’s your job to solve that puzzle and get to the right answer.
One key benefit of a subscription-based business model
Should you offer a subscription with your product? It could help lower costs and acquire customers. Just prioritize your customer experience so people keep coming back.
Don't conflate self identity and company performance
You are not your company! Separate your own performance from the performance of your organization, and you’ll have a healthier mindset all around.
Comparison isn't a productive mindset
Resist the temptation to compare yourself to other leaders. Instead, spend that energy focusing on your own path to improvement.
Create a learning culture for yourself as a leader
Your company is growing—that’s great. Are you growing, too? Make your own development a priority, no matter how busy you are.
The power of aspirational market positioning
Aspirational brands turn products into symbols of identity. Align your product that way, and you’ll connect with customers on a whole new level.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Figure out the right solutions to customers' problemsWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
Don't conflate self identity and company performanceWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
Cultivate self-awareness for a more even-keeled leadership styleWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
One key benefit of a subscription-based business modelWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
The power of aspirational market positioningWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
Foster healthy collaboration by hiring people with these two qualitiesWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
Create a learning culture for yourself as a leaderWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
Comparison isn't a productive mindsetWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO
Three words of advice for aspiring entrepreneursWill AhmedWHOOP, Founder and CEO