David Novak
Yum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
3 More Questions (Jim Levine) with David Novak and Koula Callahan
More from David Novak
Autonomy is an earned right
Yes, you’ve got to delegate. But you can’t just hand over the reins. Give people time to prove they’ve earned that autonomy, and then get out of their way.
Manage 2 up, 2 down
Instead of simply managing the people who report to you, manage 2-up and 2-down. This allows you to keep a pulse on the front lines of your business *and* show your boss’ boss that you’re thinking broader than just your area of expertise.
Learn to fail fast
What keeps us from moving on after failure is often our ego. As leaders, we have to learn to set that aside so we can learn quickly and get back on the horse.
How to disagree with your boss
When your perspective differs from your boss’s, first let your boss know that you understand where they’re coming from. Then provide your perspective on how your proposed solution could be more effective.
Two keys when stepping in as a new leader
When you take over a new leadership role, make it your own by creating new memories with your team. At the same time, learn what made the previous leader successful.
Be an idea hunter
Always be on the lookout for ideas from your team, competitors, and partners. When your antenna is up, you'll find that good ideas are everywhere.
Understand autonomy is an earned right
When your people prove that they’ve earned your trust, get out of their way so they can do their job.
The key to making faster decisions
Decision making without competence is rarely right. If you want to make faster, better decisions, start with competence and let that lead to confdence.
Be here now
Stay in the present and give everyone you're with your full attention.
Be an idea hunter
Always be on the lookout for ideas from your team, competitors, and partners. When your antenna is up, you'll find that good ideas are everywhere.
Coaching is a vital first step to help underperformers
If someone's work isn't up to standards, coach them on how they can do better. If they still don’t respond, you’ll know it’s time to let them go.
Seek insights everywhere, then try to apply what you learn
Learning only gets you so far. You've got to pair learning with execution if you want to be successful. To master this habit of active learning, read David's new book, How Leaders Learn!
No involvement, no commitment
If you want people’s buy-in on a big project or idea, you have to get them involved. People care more and work harder when they feel heard and included!
Emulate companies that consistently get great results
To get great results year after year, study companies with a long track record of success. That’s how David came up with these five key drivers that shaped Yum! Brands.
Seriously consider if the criticism has merit
When people critique your ideas, take time to discern if it’s just reactive pushback or if there’s a valid point behind the complaint.
People appreciate hearing you talk about your mistakes
Be open about your mistakes and failures. People appreciate the vulnerability, and it gives you a chance to share what you’ve learned.
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Short (but powerful) leadership advice from entrepreneurs and CEOs of top companies like JPMorgan Chase, Target, Starbucks and more.
Two keys to retaining top talentDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Autonomy is an earned rightDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Go for a win-win negotiationDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Manage two-up and two-downDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Keep your ego from derailing youDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Make new memories when you take over from a founderDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Decide what kind of leader you’re going to beDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Value your team’s output AND inputDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Learn to fail fastDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Make DE&I more than a programDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Listen to others’ ideas before sharing your ownDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Suspend judgement when vetting ideasDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Celebrate other people's ideas as much as your ownDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Value what the front line can bring to the partyDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
One way to stay in touch with the frontlineDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
What to do when you lose your passionDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Get your people behind a big visionDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
How to know what’s really going on in your businessDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
What to do when you disagree with your bossDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Don’t delegate recruiting to someone elseDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Model the behaviors you want to see more ofDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Soft stuff drives hard resultsDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Seek insights everywhere, then try to apply what you learnDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
No involvement, no commitmentDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Codify how you review and reflect on your workDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
People appreciate hearing you talk about your mistakesDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Emulate companies that consistently get great resultsDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
When you give tough feedback, start with respectDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Show people you really want their feedbackDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Find an intentional way to reflect on your own growth and developmentDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO
Seriously consider if the criticism has meritDavid NovakYum! Brands, Cofounder and former CEO