Molly Fletcher
Keynote speaker and former sports agent
Learn to Be an Effective Negotiator
More from Molly Fletcher
To gain confidence, get uncomfortable
When you step into discomfort, you come out on the other side a little bit stronger and with more confidence as you step into your next challenging moment.
Manage your energy, not just your time
Sure, time management is important. But you’ve also got to manage your energy, so you can show up at your best for whatever matters most to you.
In a negotiation, understand what matters to the other person
When you negotiate, don’t just think about what you want from the deal. Consider the other person’s perspective so you know what will motivate them.
If you want to create loyalty, over deliver
It’s a competitive world out there. Create so much value for your customers and clients that they’d never dream of going elsewhere.
Turn what feels like a disadvantage into an opportunity
If you’re different from everyone around you, it’s easy to feel like you don’t belong. In those moments, reframe your differences as an opportunity. If nobody else is like you, then you can offer value nobody else can.
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Curiosity creates opportunitiesMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Turn what feels like a disadvantage into an opportunityMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
If you want to create loyalty, over deliverMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Coach others to find their own style, not just mimic yoursMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Elevate others on your team if you want to scaleMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Get inside the heads of those you serveMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Compensation plays a role in teamworkMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Manage your energy, not just your timeMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Everyone's a negotiatorMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
In a negotiation, understand what matters to the other personMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Ask that one tough questionMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
To gain confidence, get uncomfortableMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent
Create shared accountability in your one-on-onesMolly FletcherKeynote speaker and former sports agent